If you ask us, 5G is a little like the lady friend you have who's super-duper smart, but she'll blow your mind with all the things she knows. For example, did you know that 5G is already here? Like… right now. As in, as you're reading these words—WHILE YOU'RE ON YOUR PHONE! That's right: 5G is being delivered to your phone right this very second in the form of 4G LTE. So even though you may have heard about 5G and how it's going to transform everything from transportation to healthcare, let us assure you that it's here now. And it's looking good. What makes 5G different from the 4G technology we've long been using? Simply put, it will allow for much faster speeds—upwards of 100 times faster than 4G.
It will also reduce latency, or the amount of time it takes for one end of a communication (think sending a text message) to get to the other end (the person reading your text). With 5G, latency will go down from around 100 milliseconds to just 1 millisecond.
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